Iran FM spokesman welcomes PGCC statement
The Iranian foreign ministry spokesman welcomed the support of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council (PGCC) foreign ministers for the recent agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia to restore their bilateral diplomatic ties.

MEHR: The Iranian foreign ministry spokesman welcomed the support of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council (PGCC) foreign ministers for the recent agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia to restore their bilateral diplomatic ties.
"We welcome the support of the foreign ministers of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council (PGCC) for the results of the recent talks between Iran and Saudi Arabia," Nasser Kan'ani, the spokesman of the Iranian foreign ministry said in a statement on Thursday in reaction to the final statement of the PGGC, which was issued after their 55th periodic meeting at the level of foreign ministers in Riyadh.
"We hope that the agreement will play an effective role in increasing stability, peace and regional development and strengthening dialogue-oriented approaches in the Persian Gulf region," the Iranian spokesman added.
He further noted, "Iran has always considered interaction and cooperation with its neighbors as the best way to resolve regional problems and welcomes positive initiatives in the field of developing relations, based on good neighborliness and international principles and rules."
In their final statement, the PGCC foreign ministers welcomed the agreement on the restoration of relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran and described it as a step towards resolving differences and ending regional tensions through dialogue.