U.N. envoy rejects “politically-motivated" accusations of al-Qaeda presence in Iran

Iran expresses deep concern over the increasing use of terrorism as a tool in the policies of certain countries.

U.N. envoy rejects “politically-motivated" accusations of al-Qaeda presence in Iran

IRNA –Permanent Representative and Ambassador to the United Nations Amir- Sa’eed Iravani has categorically rejected allegation of the presence of al-Qaeda members on Iranian soil.

In a letter to the U.N. Security Council on Wednesday, Iravani responded to a report from a monitoring team calling it “entirely unprofessional, unsubstantiated, and detached from reality”.

He called on the U.N. monitoring team to “take a more professional and impartial approach when reviewing reports and refrain from including politically-motivated accusations that undermine the credibility of its assessments”.

“Iran has been at the forefront of fighting al-Qaeda and other Takfiri terrorist groups in the region,” the envoy said, adding that anti-Iran claims are merely on assertions from certain countries, contradicting the objective realities on the ground.

He noted that Iran is not only a leading force in counterterrorism efforts but also a victim of organized terrorism backed by foreign actors.

The full text of Iravani’s letter to the U.N. is as follows:


Upon instructions from my Government, I write to you regarding the letter dated 6 February 2025 from the President of the Security Council, acting in the absence of a Chair for the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolutions 1267 (1999), 1989 (2011), and 2253 (2015) on ISIL (Da’esh), Al-Qaeda, and associated entities (S/2025/71). This letter had included, as an attachment, the thirty-fifth report of the Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team, submitted in accordance with resolutions 1526 (2004) and 2253 (2015) and paragraph (a) of annex I to resolution 2734 (2024) which made certain unsubstantiated claims against my country. While categorically rejecting these allegations, I wish to convey the views and observations of the Islamic Republic of Iran as follows:

1. The Islamic Republic of Iran categorically rejects the claim that members of Al-Qaeda, including its so-called leader, Saif al-Adel, are present in Iranian territory. Iran firmly dismisses the assumption of his presence in Iran as stated in multiple reports by the UN Security Council’s Monitoring Team, noting that these allegations rely solely on assertions made by a single member state without any supporting evidence. Iran calls for a revision and correction of the current unprofessional, biased, and politically motivated approach in drafting these reports.

2. The Islamic Republic of Iran notes that throughout the report, the Monitoring Team attempts to substantiate allegations regarding Saif al-Adel’s connections with other Al-Qaeda leaders in various regions (Paragraph 70) and his supposed long-term strategy to activate sleeper cells for terrorist operations in the European Union, Syria, Lebanon, and Afghanistan (Paragraph 91), and claims that Al-Qaeda is being financed from Iranian territory (Paragraph 91), all based merely on assertions from certain countries. This deliberate and troubling effort, which serves as a pretext for future hostile actions against the Islamic Republic of Iran by the very countries that propagate these claims, further reinforces the politically biased nature of the report. These baseless accusations contradict the objective realities on the ground and Iran’s unwavering opposition to terrorist groups, particularly Al-Qaeda and ISIS. The Islamic Republic of Iran strongly rejects these false claims.

3. The report’s cynical attempt to link the Islamic Republic of Iran with Al-Qaeda is entirely unprofessional, unsubstantiated, and detached from reality. Iran has been at the forefront of fighting Al-Qaeda and other Takfiri terrorist groups in the region, regardless of their various names and structures. While Al-Qaeda, under the guise of Jabhat al-Nusra and its subsequent aliases, expanded terror, violence, and atrocities in northern Syria with support from certain regional and trans-regional countries, its leaders and affiliates were still designated as terrorist entities by the UN Security Council’s sanctions list. The Islamic Republic of Iran was actively fighting these terrorist groups at the formal request of the then government of Syria and has since incurred heavy financial and human losses from this battle. Meanwhile, the covert ties between some countries and Al-Qaeda-affiliated groups have become increasingly evident, with these terrorists openly operating within their borders. It is also worth recalling that in 2013, Jabhat al-Nusra, in coordination with its internal operatives, including Al-Qaeda forces in Lebanon, carried out a terrorist attack on Iran’s embassy in Beirut, killing Iran’s cultural attaché and several Lebanese nationals.

4. The report section on Al-Qaeda’s terrorist activities in Yemen is also misleading, as it is based on fabricated and politically driven data from certain countries (Paragraphs 40, 41, 70). While the report seeks to establish a supposed connection between the Houthis (Ansarullah) in Yemen and Al-Qaeda branches in the Arabian Peninsula and Somalia, the reality is that these two groups are engaged in direct conflict. Based on reliable information, Ansarullah recently launched an operation against Al-Qaeda strongholds in the al-Qayfa region of Al-Bayda province in Yemen, killing several terrorists. In response, Al-Qaeda’s Yemeni branch issued a statement titled" بیان استنکار لجرائم الحوثی الرافضی بحق المسلمین فی قیفه بالبیضاء و دعوه لنصرتهم" (“A Denunciation of Houthi Rafidhi Crimes Against Muslims in Qayfa, Al-Bayda, and a Call for Retaliation"( published in December 2024 by the al-Malahim Media Institute, affiliated with Al-Qaeda in Yemen, and explicitly threatening Ansarullah with revenge. Reliable intelligence indicates that certain regional and trans-regional states are actively exploiting Al-Qaeda as a tool against the legitimate government in Sanaa and Yemen’s internal conflicts. The Monitoring Team must take a more professional and impartial approach when reviewing reports from countries that are themselves parties to regional conflicts and refrain from including politically motivated accusations that undermine the credibility of its assessments.

5. The Islamic Republic of Iran remains resolute in its fight against terrorism and Takfiri groups, particularly ISIS-K and Al-Qaeda. Located in a region plagued by instability, foreign intervention, and externally sponsored terrorism, the Islamic Republic of Iran is not only a leading force in counterterrorism efforts but also a victim of organized terrorism backed by foreign actors.

6. Regarding the claim in Paragraph 88 about terrorists allegedly transiting through the Islamic Republic of Iran from Turkey to Afghanistan, it is vital to emphasize that in 2024 alone, Iranian authorities have successfully neutralized dozens of terrorist operations before they could be carried out within Iran’s borders. Additionally, many terrorists of various nationalities, affiliated with ISIS, have been apprehended while attempting to enter Iran. As a primary victim of terrorism, Iran remains steadfast in its commitment to preventing the movement of terrorists through its territory. At the regional level, the Islamic Republic of Iran is committed to enhancing international cooperation, particularly through the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), to combat ISIS-K and Al-Qaeda. At the national level, Iran has implemented significant security and military measures to counter terrorism, especially following the cowardly and reprehensible terrorist attack in Kerman on 3 January 2024, which tragically resulted in the loss of over 100 lives, including women and children, and left 211 others injured. In this regard, Iran has strengthened its efforts to curb illegal movements across its borders. Iran urges the UN Sanctions Committee and all concerned states to share relevant intelligence and documentation to bolster global counterterrorism efforts.

7. The Islamic Republic of Iran also expresses deep concern over the increasing use of terrorism as a tool in the policies of certain regional states. The infiltration of terrorists into political structures following recent developments in the region, the manipulation of terrorism in the Levant, South Asia, and Central Asia by certain external powers, the transfer of terrorists from Syria to Iraq, particularly Al-Anbar province, and the resurgence of ISIS in Syria, including the U.S.-managed activities of ISIS in southeastern Syria, are all alarming trends threatening the security of three key regions: South Asia, Central Asia, and West Asia. The Sanctions Committee on Al-Qaeda and ISIS must take these threats seriously, addressing their underlying sources without political bias. Iran warns that ongoing developments in these regions pose a grave threat to regional security and stability.

I shall be grateful if you would circulate the present letter as a document of the Security Council.

Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.