US should convince Iran it would fully fulfill deal

Saying that Iran was committed to the deal and it was the US that withdrew from the agreement, Marandi stressed that the Americans should convince Iran that they will fully implement the agreement.

US should convince Iran it would fully fulfill deal

MEHR: Saying that Iran was committed to the deal and it was the US that withdrew from the agreement, Marandi stressed that the Americans should convince Iran that they will fully implement the agreement.

Mohammad Marandi, an advisor to the Iranian negotiating team in Vienna, made the remarks in an interview with Al-Araby Al-Jadeed.

Criticizing the violation of the JCPOA by the US and the maximum pressure policy, Mohammad Marandi noted that Iran has to receive assurances to ensure that the United States can no longer easily repeat its past actions.

Asked if the resumption of talks means that the United States had made its decision on unresolved issues, Marandi said, "No, The Americans have not yet made the necessary decision."

Turning to the remaining unsolved issues in the talks and the fact that the UN chief Josep Borell called them political matters, Marandi stated, "Mr. Borrell tends to call the issue of guarantees and the lifting of sanctions political, but in our view, these are purely legal and technical issues."

"Iran will not allow the Americans to scam, so the issue of guarantees and sanctions must be resolved. If Mr. Borrell considers these to be political, he probably means that the Americans must make a political decision," he added.

"The future of the negotiations depends on US decisions because the Iranian government has proven to be serious," he continued.

Emphasizing that Iran has never abandoned the negotiations, Marandi referred to the Tehran nuclear actions in response to the BoG resolution and said that Iran has made it clear to the United States that America's harsh and irrational actions will be met with new responses.

The Americans know that the situation for themselves and the Europeans has become more difficult because of the war in Ukraine, so it is in the Americans' interest to sign the agreement, he added.