Tehran reacts to French, German leaders anti-Iranian moves

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kan'ani reacted to the recent anti-Iranian moves and remarks of French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

Tehran reacts to French, German leaders anti-Iranian moves

MEHR: Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kan'ani reacted to the recent anti-Iranian moves and remarks of French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

Kan'ani condemned French President Macron's meeting with one of the anti-Iranian opposition figures and his companions on the sidelines of the Paris Peace Forum.

"It is surprising that the president of a country that claims freedom meets with a hated person who has clearly tried to spread hatred and violent and terrorist acts in the Islamic Republic of Iran, as well as against the Iranian diplomatic places and diplomats in recent months," he said.

Kan'ani also called the statements quoted by Macron that he supports the so-called revolution led by these people regrettable and shameful. He strongly protested these statements.

"For this reason, this meeting is a flagrant violation of France's international responsibilities in the fight against terrorism and violence, and it represents the promotion of these sinister phenomena," the Iranian diplomat added. "Such anti-Iranian actions will undoubtedly be etched in the memory of the great people of Iran, who are well aware of the selective and anti-human rights approaches of some European leaders."

Foreign Ministry Spokesman also considered the German Chancellor's recent stance towards the Islamic Republic of Iran to be interventionist, provocative and undiplomatic.

"Unfortunately, some human rights claimants have made human rights a tool for political games by forgetting their dark record against the honorable and resistant people of Iran during their blind and inhumane support for the Saddam regime, backing the cruel sanctions [imposed on Iran] following the withdrawal of the United States from the JCPOA, as well as keeping silence against the terrorist actions of ISIL, the last of which was the terrorist attack on the Holy Shrine of Shah Cheragh," Kan'ani said.

"The will of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the fundamental principles of human rights, including human dignity, confronting force and defending the oppressed, has always been based on the principle of responsibility," he noted, adding, "This is while Germany which is running away from its international responsibility to respect the sovereignty of countries by giving shelter to terrorist and separatist groups of the Islamic Republic of Iran and adopting a selective and dual approach against the crime of the Zionist child-killing regime in all parts of the world, including Palestine, presents itself as a defender of human rights."

Emphasizing that the destruction of historical ties has long-term consequences, Kan'ani said that the human rights demands of the Islamic Republic of Iran from the German authorities are a long list. Therefore, it is Germany that should responsibly clarify the past.

The Iranian diplomat once again advised the German authorities to restore rationality to the atmosphere of relations and prevent further confusion of relations, saying that building mutual respect and interests is the only way to sustainable cooperation.