Arrogance, unilateralism root cause of problems in world
President Raesi considered arrogance and unilateralism as the root cause of many problems and conflicts between countries in the world.

MEHR: President Raesi considered arrogance and unilateralism as the root cause of many problems and conflicts between countries in the world.
Iran's President attended the Tehran Summit hall on Thursday morning to receive the world's ambassadors on the 44th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran.
Delivering a speech at the ceremony, Raeisi expressed his sympathy to the friendly and brotherly countries of Syria and Turkey over the heartbreaking incidents caused by earthquakes in these countries.
"As a neighbor, we announced that we will offer humanitarian help to the two nations of Turkey and Syria in these difficult times," he added.
Referring to the anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, the Iranian president said, "Decades-long foreign intervention, coup d'état, dependence on foreigners, and humiliation led to the history-making uprising of the Iranian nation against the tyrannical Pahlavi regime."
The Islamic Republic of Iran has been established based on religious teachings and people's votes, he said, stressing that the Iranian nation has always stood up against the oppressors.
President Raeisi also criticized the miscalculations of the US and the European Troika towards Iran in nuclear negotiations.
"The Islamic Republic announced its readiness to finalize the nuclear negotiations months ago and has shown its good intentions," Raeisi added.
Elsewhere in his remarks, he said that the all-out fight against terrorist groups is one of the main priorities of Iran's cooperation in the region.