Iran FM:
Moscow meeting positive step for Syria, Turkey rapprochement
The quadrilateral meeting of Iran, Russia, Syria, and Turkey in Moscow was a positive step in the line of bringing the views of Turkey and Syria closer to each other, the Iranian Foreign Minister said.

MEHR: The quadrilateral meeting of Iran, Russia, Syria, and Turkey in Moscow was a positive step in the line of bringing the views of Turkey and Syria closer to each other, the Iranian Foreign Minister said.
Hossein Amir-Abdollahian made the remarks while in Moscow for the Syria meeting before his departure to Tehran on Wednesday.
He also said that he discussed the bilateral relations, especially the follow-up of economic and commercial issues, including the Tehran-Moscow agreements as well as the meeting of the Iranian and Turkish presidents with his Russian and Turkish counterparts.
Very good progress has been made in Iran's relations with Turkey and Russia, he further said.
The quadrilateral meeting of the foreign ministers of Iran, Russia, Syria, and Turkey was held in Moscow on Wednesday.
At the end of the meeting, the foreign ministers issued a joint statement, stressing their commitment to the territorial integrity of Syria and preparing a roadmap for developing relations between Damascus and Ankara.
They also said that they had a focused and frank discussion of issues related to resuming the interstate relations between Syria and Turkey in various aspects.