Iran, Indonesia sign 11 cooperation documents

Iranian and Indonesian officials signed 11 cooperation MoUs and documents on Tuesday to boost the level of cooperation between the two countries.

Iran, Indonesia sign 11 cooperation documents

MEHR: Iranian and Indonesian officials signed 11 cooperation MoUs and documents on Tuesday to boost the level of cooperation between the two countries.

The documents were signed between the Iranian ministers (and deputy ministers) and their Indonesian counterparts in the fields of preferential trade, cancellation of visas, cultural exchanges, pharmaceutical products, science, technology, and oil and gas.

The signed cooperation documents were unveiled in the presence of the Iranian and Indonesian presidents.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi was officially welcomed by Joko Widodo President of the Republic of Indonesia in Merdeka palace on Tuesday morning.

President Raeisi has paid this visit at the official invitation of his Indonesian counterpart. The visit aims to expand and deepen economic and political interactions between Iran and Asian countries.