Gen. Bagheri:

Europe no longer a shelter for MKO terrorists

The Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces says that no Europan state is willing to provide shelter and host the anti-Iran terrorist Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO) anymore.

Europe no longer a shelter for MKO terrorists

MEHR: The Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces says that no Europan state is willing to provide shelter and host the anti-Iran terrorist Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO) anymore.

Major General Mohammad Bagheri made the remarks in a message issued on the occasion of the anniversary of the 7th of Tir (June 28th) terrorist attack in Iran, as well as the Sardasht chemical attack.

On 28 June 1981 – the 7th of Tir 1360 in the Persian Solar calendar – a powerful bomb blasted at the headquarters of the Iran Islamic Republic Party (IRP) in Tehran, while the members were in a meeting. The deadly terrorist attack was carried out by the MKO.

Moreover, in 1987, Saddam’s army launched a chemical attack on the northwestern Iranian city of Sardasht, leaving 8,000 people of the city’s 12,000-strong population maimed.

Expressing sorrow over the two terrorist incidents, Major General Bagheri criticized the silence of the international human rights entities regarding the two anti-human acts.

This silence indicated the double standards of human rights claimants and proved the fact that the so-called human rights relations have international validity only until the nations and governments move in the direction of the illegitimate demands of colonial governments, he cited.

Earlier this week, the Secretary of Iran's High Council for Human Rights Kazem Gharibabadi strongly criticized the Western states for sheltering the notorious anti-Iran terrorist MKO, calling on them to immediately expel the terror group members.