Senior cleric:

Muslim nations should make Swedish government regret

Referring to the repeated sacrilege of the Holy Quran in Sweden, the provisional leader of Friday Prayers in Tehran said that Muslim nations have to make Swedish government regret its actions.

Muslim nations should make Swedish government regret

MEHR: Referring to the repeated sacrilege of the Holy Quran in Sweden, the provisional leader of Friday Prayers in Tehran said that Muslim nations have to make Swedish government regret its actions.

Ayatollah Seyyed Ahmad Khatami made the remarks during this week's Friday prayer sermon held on the campus of Tehran University.

Stating that the insult was done with the support of the government and the police of Sweden, the Iranian senior cleric said these stupid things will not reduce the status of Islam and religion.

He added that Muslim nations should make the Swedish government regret its actions. 

Ayatollah Khatami appreciated the government and people of Iraq for expelling the Swedish ambassador from their country.  

"They should know that playing with Quran comes at a heavy price," the cleric further asserted.

He further pointed to the arrival of Muarram and the anniversary of the Ashura, saying that all Iranian nation across the country commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (AS) even though 1384 years or about 14 centuries have passed.

He noted that as holy Quran and other Islamic texts say, martyrs are immortal and will be honored throughout history.