Senior army Cmdr.:

Iran capable of intercepting, targeting F-35 fighter jets

Chief of the Self-Sufficiency Research Organization of the Army Air Defense Force says that the Islamic Republic of Iran is a pioneering country in the defense field, adding that Iran is able to interpret and target F-35 jets.

Iran capable of intercepting, targeting F-35 fighter jets

MEHR: Chief of the Self-Sufficiency Research Organization of the Army Air Defense Force says that the Islamic Republic of Iran is a pioneering country in the defense field, adding that Iran is able to interpret and target F-35 jets.

Referring to the threats in the aerial field, General Samad Agha-Mohammadi told Mehr News Agency that air offensive is a field that is being strongly developed by all the military powers of the world, and, along with the development of air offense, air defense has to be developed as well to confront the threats. 

He went on to say that the country's Army and the IRGC are constantly monitoring and researching the developments of other parts of the world in the field of defense, trying to adapt and upgrade themselves to deal with any possible threat. "We try our research to be useful and practical for at least the next twenty years," he cited.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Agha-Mohammadi stressed that Iran is one of the most efficient countries in identifying and intercepting micro air vehicles. 

"Various actions have been taken in the field of confronting micro air vehicles in the Air Defense Force," the senior army commander continued, explaining that the Army can either directly shoot them or confront them with other methods including disruption or taking over their control.

Saying that today, dealing with micro air vehicles is a challenge for the whole world and even the superpowers, Agha-Mohammadi underlined that the Islamic Republic of Iran is enjoying a favorable situation in this field and is even considered among the pioneers.

Answering a question regarding the Army's readiness to confront drone threats, he said, "Regarding the drones, we work in the field of air defense in two ways: using drones and countering drones. Regarding countering drones, low altitude systems such as Khatam and Majid are used." He added that there are also systems that have not been unveiled but are in use. He emphasized that the country has no problem in countering drones.

Fortunately, Iran is one of the leading countries both in the field of using drones and confronting them, Agha-Mohammadi noted, adding that the country is fully ready to combat any threat.

The Army's Air Defense Force is incredibly progressing in all fields, he further stressed, announcing that favorable news will be released in the coming months regarding the missile field.

"In the past decades, we have been able to fend off all the threats around the borders by relying solely on domestic power," Agha-Mohammadi cited elsewhere in his remarks.

Touching upon the capabilities of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the field of laser systems, the senior army commander said that the country was able to make favorable progress in this field including electronic jamming and deception.

Commenting on the issue of deploying F-35 fighter jets to the Middle East, Agha-Mohammadi stressed that the country already has the ability to detect, intercept and monitor the F-35 fighter jets.

In the field of electronic warfare and dealing with all kinds of electronic jamming methods, Iran is among the developed countries. "We have developed a variety of jamming and counter-jamming systems because we believe that the future of warfare will move towards electronic warfare and cyber operations," he added.