Army chief:

IRGC advisor’s assassination exposes Israel’s frustration

The chief commander of the Iranian Army has condemned Israel’s assassination of an IRGC senior military advisor in Syria as yet another sign of the occupying regime’s “frustration” against Resistance.

IRGC advisor’s assassination exposes Israel’s frustration

MEHR: The chief commander of the Iranian Army has condemned Israel’s assassination of an IRGC senior military advisor in Syria as yet another sign of the occupying regime’s “frustration” against Resistance.

In a message issued late on Monday, Major General Abdolrahim Mousavi extended his congratulations and condolences to the family of Seyyed Razi Mousavi, as well as Resistance forces and the IRGC, on the Iranian commander’s martyrdom in an Israeli airstrike in a Damascus neighborhood.

“Following the defeats of the usurping regime in the face of the people in Gaza and the Resistance Front, the impotence and frustration of the child-killing Zionist regime were exposed once again by another crime and the martyrdom of a sincere combatant,” he wrote.

The Army chief also described Mousavi as one of the senior IRGC military advisers in Syria and a comrade of top anti-terror commander Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani.

General Soleimani was assassinated in a US drone strike near Baghdad International Airport on January 3, 2020. He was highly revered due to his key role in fighting the US-created and Israeli-supported Daesh Takfiri terrorist group in the region, particularly in Iraq and Syria.

Mousavi was martyred while serving Iran’s military advisory mission in Syria. 

The mission was the first to rush to Syria’s assistance in 2014, when the Arab country found itself in the grip of the Daesh terror outfit.

Led by General Soleimani, the mission played an instrumental role in Damascus’ successful counterterrorism push that ultimately defeated Daesh in late 2017.