Leader to deliver speech on occasion of Eid al-Ghadir

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution will receive thousands of people from five provinces of Iran on the occasion of Eid al-Ghadir and the eve of the 14th presidential election on Tuesday.

Leader to deliver speech on occasion of Eid al-Ghadir

MEHR: The Leader of the Islamic Revolution will receive thousands of people from five provinces of Iran on the occasion of Eid al-Ghadir and the eve of the 14th presidential election on Tuesday.

People of Gilan, Markazi, Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad, and North Khorasan province will attend the Eid al-Ghadir celebration ceremony on Tuesday morning.

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei will deliver the speech at Imam Khomeini's Hosseinieh.

In the Islamic culture, a special holiday titled “Eid al-Ghadir" is marked on the 18th of the eleventh month of Dhu l-Hijja in the Arabic calendar. 

This day is a reminder of the time when, according to hadiths, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) appointed Ali ibn Abi Talib (as) as the Imam after himself following an order from God.