Mora says arrested by German police after leaving Iran

EU foreign policy chief Enrique Mora tweeted that German police had prevented him from continuing his journey on his way back from Tehran to Brussels.

Mora says arrested by German police after leaving Iran

MEHR: EU foreign policy chief Enrique Mora tweeted that German police had prevented him from continuing his journey on his way back from Tehran to Brussels.

"Now released along with with my two colleagues, the EU Ambassador to UN Vienna and the head of the EEAS Iran task force. We were kept separated. Refusal to give any explanation for what seems a violation of the Vienna Convention," Enrique Mora, the coordinator the Vienna talks between Iran and the P4+1 group on the revival of the JCPOA said in a quite weird tweet after paying a two-day visit to Iran to discuss the continuation of the Vienna talks with the Iranian officials.

The senior EU diplomat left Iran last night (Thursday night) after holding talks in Tehran including with top Iranian negotiator in the Vienna talks deputy foreign minister Ali Bagheri Kani, according to sources in the Iranian media.