Transfer of power in Saudi Arabia imminent: Saudi source

A Saudi source told media news that the transfer of power in Saudi Arabia is imminent.

Transfer of power in Saudi Arabia imminent: Saudi source

MEHR: A Saudi source told media news that the transfer of power in Saudi Arabia is imminent.

A Saudi source, in an interview with Reuters, reacted to the presence of Prince Abdul Aziz bin Ahmad during the visit of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to the UAE for offering condolences to the Al Nahyan family over the death of former UAE ruler Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, saying that the transfer of power is imminent in Saudi Arabia.

Prince Abdulaziz bin Ahmed is the eldest son of Prince Ahmed bin Abdulaziz, the detained brother of the Saudi monarch, and has no official post.

Yet his name topped the Saudi state media's list of delegates accompanying Crown Prince and heir apparent Mohammed bin Salman to pay respects to the new United Arab Emirates ruler.

His presence on Muhammad bin Salman's list for the trip came as a surprise, and Saudi political experts believe the move is a signal from the current ruler of family unity.

"(This) perhaps was designed to demonstrate a show of unity within the Al Saud family that has been under strain from issues such as the detention of Prince Ahmed and Mohammed bin Nayef," the Saudi source said.

The Saudi source, who did not want to be named because of the sensitivity of the issue, told Reuters that the presence of Abdul Aziz bin Ahmed with the Saudi Crown Prince in Abu Dhabi was a strong message to public opinion inside and outside the country, especially that the transfer of power is imminent.